Friday, January 25, 2008

Classy Video from Defenders of Wildlife

The Defenders of Wildlife organisation has created a simple thank-you video for its supporters, for all their work in 2007. The video is introduced by the president of the organisation, and then has some simple points and pictures to back up his message.

As you watch this video, notice some of the things he does to enhance the trust that the organisation already has with their supporters.Because they are already “friends”:
  • He already knows and understands his audience - they are supporters of the Defenders of Wildlife.
  • He doesn’t have to spend much time presenting statistics or justifying the cause with proof. The few statistics used are shown in very simple ways.
  • He can keep his message clear, simple and direct. At the beginning of the video he simply states “thank you for all of your actions and support during this past year that helped us save ...(names animals) and “believe me, your actions made a powerful difference”.
  • He consolidates the community feel by concluding with “Together we also helped …” and “We couldn’t do it without you”.
It is much easier to have a compelling message with an audience that is already receptive.

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