Friday, January 25, 2008

Business Presentations - Pros and Cons

How do you deliver an effective business presentation? Experts will give you varying - sometimes contradicting - advice. But they usually agree on one thing - be really clear about what your message is and keep it simple.

Often authors or presentation experts present examples or stories on how to use PowerPoint effectively. The following two articles are good examples of this:

Darrell Zahorsky of the Small Business Information channel has an article about 8 Secrets to a Knockout Business Presentation. By incorporating these in your PowerPoint presentation you can really enhance the clarity of your message. As he highlights it “all comes down to what your audience walks away with in the end”.

Elsewhere on the site, you'll also find the other side of the coin in: The Seven Deadly Sins of Powerpoint Presentations. Dr. Joseph Sommerville highlights some of the common mistakes made in PowerPoint business presentations.

Remember, PowerPoint can be a really powerful tool to deliver your message when used well, or an absolute disaster when not. A clear message can reach through a cluttered world, but not if the PowerPoint presentation is cluttered! Finally, as Dr Sommerville says You should still be able to give an excellent presentation if you focus on the message.”

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