Friday, February 8, 2008

The Intuition Myth

There's a popular conception that intuition, gut feel and "seat of the pants" thinking is a key factor in innovative business thinking. But in their special report, "The Power of Intuition - And Why It’s the Biggest Myth in Business Today", authors Kevin J. Clancy and Peter C. Krieg debunk this myth. They argue that it's rare for hunches alone to lead to success, and that the myth has grown because it's the rare successes that get the most publicity.

Download your copy of their report here.

Clancy and Krieg argue passionately for the importance of proof, not just guessing, in making decisions ("personal judgement and unimpeachable data", as they put it). The same applies to your message management. By all means, use your opinions, hunches, intuition and gut feeling in developing your ideas; but support them with a solid foundation of facts, data and research.

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