Monday, January 28, 2008

Can watching "ER" make you a healthier person?

Apparently so, according to researchers at the University of Southern California, who examined the story-line of TV drama 'ER' and its influence on viewers. In that particular story-line, a character on the show was advised to exercise more and eat healthier food. Thomas W. Valente of the Keck School of Medicine conducted a survey that found that viewers of the show were much more likely to report a positive change in their behaviour after watching the episode.

This demonstrates the authority principle. People are influenced by others in authority, even if the authority is fictional! When delivering your message, authority is one of the key aspects to establishing or framing it(i.e. It answers the "Why you?" question in their mind). So, if you have genuine authority (not false authority like the ER episode), use it! Or refer to someone who does have genuine authority. It can make a positive difference to your message.

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